Is it still possible to get lost?
This ethnographic essay film explores the meaning and importance of the concept of self-losing for selected individuals within the theme “Getting Lost”. The aim of this film is to explore the feeling of losing oneself from different perspectives.

What about you?
I would be very happy to invite you as a participant for a coffee as well as for a 30 minute interview on camera (German / English).
- Have you ever been lost? (Geographically / emotionally / in terms of identity etc.)
- How did you deal with that?
- How has this phase shaped you?

Director: Felix Keilhack (LMU)
05.08. – 06.09.2024
I look forward to you & your experiences!
Proposal & Treatment
In the digital age of the internet and smartphones, it seems almost impossible to physically get lost. People experiencing depression, midlife crises, love, addiction, and culture shock share their stories of losing themselves emotionally, socially, or technologically. What if, in the future, we need a travel guide to help us get lost again?
This ethnographic and experimental essay film, with autoethnographic elements, explores the theme of „Getting Lost“ and examines the significance and value of the concept of losing oneself for selected individuals. The phenomenon of losing oneself is viewed as an individual construction of a specific disorientation. The aim of this film is to explore the feeling of being lost from various perspectives.